Sunday, November 13, 2011

Presentation on 'Searching Techniques'

Presentation on 'Searching Techniques'

My students in Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) Diploma (Level III) Program were interested in knowing more on 'information searching & searching techniques'.

Therefore, herewith I am sharing a presentation that I made 5 years ago at the National Science Foundation (NSF) with you. This presentation is available in my 'wiki' site (

Title: Internet Search Engines & Online Search Strategies for Librarians:

Venue : Sri Lanka Scientific & Technical Information Network (SLTINET) Meeting at NSF, Colombo, on 14th July 2006.

URL: http:

Hope you will find it useful :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Search Tip of the Month (November 2011)

Search for PPTs

Many people are interested in finding PowerPoint presentations (PPTs) of others. Especially, when they are preparing a presentation, it would help them to learn how others have made nice PPTs, some useful techniques & tips, and finding some attracting templates, etc. (Of course, I do this!!!)

>So, if you want to search only PowerPoint files, you can still limit your search only for PPT files with Google. Follow these steps:

1. Go to 'Google Advanced Search', and type your search query in the search box.

2. Then select the 'File type' as 'Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt).

3. Then click on 'Advanced Search'.

Oh, it works!!!

>There is also a shortcut for that. (hope you prefer shortcuts :)

In simple search box of Google, just type as follows:

"searching techniques" filetype:ppt

(You may note here, the file type is 'ppt')

Yes, it also works :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Search Tip of the Month (March 2011)

Synonym Search

If you want to search not only for your search term but also for its synonyms, place the tilde sign (~) immediately in front of your search term.

Example: ~fast foods

This will also retrieve terms such as junk foods, quick foods, etc.

Source: Google

Website of the Month (March 2011)

Internet World Stats

"Internet World Stats" is a very useful website for you! It cumulates the latest Internet Usage statistics around the World. Following is the link.


Recently, it has added Facebook usage and penetration statistics too. Following is the link.


Become a regular visitor of this website, and it will keep you updated about the ever increasing Internet age.